Five Warnings For Our Time - 2023-11-19

Five warning are provided in the given scriptures that are conveying the heart of God to not fall into their influence: (1) Being Stuck Half-way, (2) Laziness, (3) Complacency, (4) Captiousness (or perhaps Carping might be more fitting), and (5) Lukewarmness.

Matthew 12:43-45; Matthew 25:24-26; Zephaniah 1:12; Luke 7:32; Revelation 3:15,16

City River
The Lord our God we will serve, and him we will obey - 2023-11-12

Shechem... Location matters! Joshua brings the people of Israel to the place the Lord met their forefather Abram, and reestablishes their covenant with Him. Today, we are the mobile locations of the Lord's covenant dwelling place.

Joshua 24:1-3, Genesis 12:1-9, Joshua 8:3-35, Joshua 24:14-25, Hebrews 11:22, Genesis 50:24-26,

City River
Time to cross that river - 2023-11-05

The God of yesterday, today and forever is always at work, setting the stage for what He is inviting us into. Our obedience allows us to step into His miracle!

Joshua 3:7-17, 3:1, Genesis 22:13

City River
Love Them? Seriously? How? - 2023-10-29

Not only does the Lord command us to love all our neighbours, He also equips and transforms us to be able to.

Matthew 22:34-40, Leviticus 19:1-2, 15-18, 33-34, 37, Genesis 1:26-27, 5:1-2, John 13:34-35

City River