The people of the Church must know and walk in their new Kingdom identity so they can fulfil the will of God and influence their society with Godly values.
Matthew 4:17, Matthew 14:22-30, Romans 13:1, Joshua 1
The people of the Church must know and walk in their new Kingdom identity so they can fulfil the will of God and influence their society with Godly values.
Matthew 4:17, Matthew 14:22-30, Romans 13:1, Joshua 1
Jesus, the Lamb and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, is worthy and shows us the way to victory through weakness.
Revelation 4-5
Being born again allows us to See the Kingdom; being born of water and spirit allows us to enter the Kingdom; and through maturity we inherit the Kingdom.
John 3:3-6; Galatians 5:19-23
"If you forgive, your Heavenly Father will forgive you." Is forgiving a condtion for forgiveness?
Matthew 6:12-15, Mark 11:22-25, Luke 17:1-6. Colossians 3:12-17