The Culture of the Kingdom of God

The people of the Church must know and walk in their new Kingdom identity so they can fulfil the will of God and influence their society with Godly values.

Matthew 4:17, Matthew 14:22-30, Romans 13:1, Joshua 1

City River
Do Not Weep - 2023-02-19

Jesus, the Lamb and the Lion of the Tribe of Judah, is worthy and shows us the way to victory through weakness.

Revelation 4-5

City River
Keys to the Kingdom V - 2023-02-05

"If you forgive, your Heavenly Father will forgive you." Is forgiving a condtion for forgiveness?

Matthew 6:12-15, Mark 11:22-25, Luke 17:1-6. Colossians 3:12-17

City River